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SABRE Multi Purpose Personal Alarm, Use With Keychain or Adjustable, Reflective and Weather-Resistant Wrist Strap, Piercing 130 db Alarm, Audible 1,000 Feet (300M) Range
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SABRE Multi Purpose Personal Alarm, Use With Keychain or Adjustable, Reflective and Weather-Resistant Wrist Strap, Piercing 130 db Alarm, Audible 1,000 Feet (300M) Range

Product ID: 30742857
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Running and exercising outdoors is a great way to maintain a healthy body and mind - however, over 33% of people feel afraid to run, bike, walk, or hike alone outdoors (according to a Wearsafe Labs study). Take back your confidence to run without fear with the SABRE Runner Personal Alarm with Adjustable Wristband. The personal alarm is easy to use - simply pull the keychain out of the device to activate the extremely loud 130dB alarm that is audible up to 1,000-feet (300-meters), helping to scare off a would-be attacker while attracting the attention of those nearby, helping you to escape to safety. Replace the pin to turn the alarm off. Feel confident reusing your alarm multiple times without needing to recharge thanks to the long-lasting battery. The wristband adjusts to fit most adults and is sweat and weatherproof, and can even be washed for peace of mind. Family owned and operated for more than 45 years, SABRE is the #1 brand trusted by consumers worldwide for pepper spray and is a leader in developing safety programs and safety videos to maximize end users’ safety. Empower yourself with extreme stopping power when you need it most.

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Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

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Vikram D.

The MOLLE sheath is of exceptional quality. Very happy with my purchase.

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The product quality is outstanding. Exactly what I needed for my work.

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