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Gerber Snacks for Baby Strawberry Apple Teething Sticks, 3.2 oz Boxes (6 Pack)
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Gerber Snacks for Baby Strawberry Apple Teething Sticks, 3.2 oz Boxes (6 Pack)

Product ID: 460396119
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Gerber Snacks for Baby Soothe 'n' Chew Strawberry Apple Teething Sticks are made to gently massage tender gums and are perfectly shaped for little ones to grasp on their own. Made with real fruits and no medicine or plastic, these teething snacks have a delicious flavor that holds your baby’s interest while providing soothing relief. Gerber baby teethers are designed to easily dissolve to help your little one get past the troublesome teething stage. These baby teething snacks are individually packaged for convenient packing in a diaper bag. The health and safety of your little one has been and will always be Gerber’s highest priority. We're a leader in infant nutrition, not just because we grow food that will feed your little one, but also because we know what nourishment your little one needs. Six (6) 3.2 oz boxes of Gerber Snacks for Baby Soothe 'n' Chew Strawberry Apple Teething Sticks Baby teether flavored with real fruits helps babies get past the teething phase Gerber snacks made with real strawberries and apples for a delicious flavor These edible baby teethers are long-lasting and designed especially for baby hands Breakthrough edible teething sticks made with no medicine and no plastic Gerber baby snacks help gently soothe your baby's teething gums Individual packs of teethers allow you to conveniently pack these baby teething snacks in a diaper bag

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Zainab N.

Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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Khalid Z.

Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

1 week ago

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