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Krusteaz Meyer Lemon Bar Mix, Made with Real Lemons, 19.35 oz Box
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Krusteaz Meyer Lemon Bar Mix, Made with Real Lemons, 19.35 oz Box

Product ID: 460399030
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Nothing sets the mood and makes you pucker up quite like Krusteaz Meyer Lemon Bars. This tangy citrus treat is a dessert for all occasions, and it's incredibly easy to make. Stir melted butter into crust mix until crumbly dough forms. Then whisk together water, eggs and lemon filling mix and pour over crust and bake. Don't forget to let them chill after you pull them from the oven. This order includes one 19.35-ounce box. DELIGHTFULLY DELICIOUS: When life gives you lemons, make dessert! Krusteaz Meyer Lemon Bars are a blast of tasty citrus flavor with a flaky shortbread crusted, created to carry you away to tastebud heaven EASY TO MAKE: Simply add water, eggs and butter to the mix. Bake your bars, let them chill, then enjoy MAKE IT YOUR OWN: This mix was designed to go well beyond lemon bars. Make Orange Cream bars, Pina Colada bars or Meyer Lemon Cheesecake bars. The options are endless when you're making Krusteaz INGREDIENTS WE'RE PROUD OF: Krusteaz Meyer Lemon Bars are made with no artificial flavors WHAT'S INCLUDED: Each order includes one 19.35-ounce box with a shelf life from production of 548 days. This box is great for always keeping Krusteaz on hand when you crave it!

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Best international shipping I've ever tried. Worth every penny!

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Fantastic and great service. Shipping was faster than expected.

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