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Tetra TetraCichlid Floating Pellets Fish Food, 6-Ounce
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Tetra TetraCichlid Floating Pellets Fish Food, 6-Ounce

Product ID: 460402565
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TetraCichlid Floating Cichlid Pellets provide hearty, balanced nutrition for medium and large top- and mid-water-feeding cichlids. This scientifically developed, protein-rich food maintains vitality and enhances your fish?s natural beauty. Features patented, health-enhancing ProCare formula to help support your fish?s immune system for optimal health and long life. Feed two to three times daily, only as much as your fish can consume within several minutes. This food will not cloud water when used as directed.Cichlids come in many bright and colorful varieties, and can grow anywhere from just a few inches to over 3 feet long. These territorial, intelligent and highly adaptive fish are constantly engaged in their environment. You?ll always be entertained with cichlids around.Since 1951, Tetra has developed the world?s most comprehensive body of fish food knowledge, and fishkeeping enthusiasts have looked to the brand for products and solutions that add ease and beauty to their home. Whether you're an experienced hobbyist or just starting out, Tetra has everything you need ? from a large variety of quality fish food and innovative equipment to test kits and decor. Product Features CICHLID FORMULATION: Hearty floating pellets for use as a staple food for top- and mid-water-feeding cichlids. FLOATING PELLETS: Scientifically developed, protein-rich cichlid food ? natural color enhancer works to bring out the color of your fish. FOR DAILY FEEDING: Nutritionally balanced diet ? maintains vitality and enhances fish?s natural beauty. PROCARE FORMULA: Helps support fish?s immune system for optimal health and long life. CLEAR-WATER FORMULA: Will not cloud water when used as directed.

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