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Morton Salt Clean and Protect Water Softener Salt Pellets, 40 lb. Bag
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Morton Salt Clean and Protect Water Softener Salt Pellets, 40 lb. Bag

Product ID: 460405642
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Morton® Salt Clean and Protect® Water Softener Salt is formulated to prevent buildup in pipes and appliances, helping to extend their life and improve efficiency. For the many households that have hard water, it is a solution for softer water that provides many added benefits. When used, Morton Water Softener Salt Pellets help not only to decrease the buildup hard water can cause in pipes and appliances and make dishes easier to clean, but also leaves hair and skin feeling softer after washing and bathing. To continue to see the benefits of Morton Water Softener Salt Pellets, it is recommended that every other month you add between two and four new bags to your tank, depending on the number of people in your household. In order to make carrying and pouring our 40 lb. bags easier, this bag features a sturdy plastic handle an easy-tear opening. Extends Appliance Life: Morton Salt Clean and Protect Water Softener Salt helps reduce buildup inside your pipes, which extends their life and improves appliance efficiency. Softer Feeling Skin and Hair: Helps soften water to avoid the dryness to skin and hair that hard water can cause. Less Buildup: Use Morton Water Softener Salt Pellets in your softener to decrease the buildup that hard water can leave inside your pipes and appliances that use water. Easier Cleaning: Soft water leaves your glasses, dishes, and faucets sparkling clean and virtually spot-free, making cleaning a breeze. Conveniently Designed: This 40 lb. bag features an easy-tear opening and sturdy plastic handle, making it easier to lift, open and pour. Made by Morton, the Salt Experts: Each of our water softener salt options is designed to meet your hard water needs with quality you can trust since 1848.

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