Sauder Harvey Park Computer Cabinet with Storage, Grand Walnut Finish
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Sauder Harvey Park Computer Cabinet with Storage, Grand Walnut Finish

Product ID: 499818559
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Who doesn’t love a multifunctional cabinet? This computer cabinet from the Harvey Park® collection is the organizers dream. The hidden area behind the swing-out doors reveals various cubbyhole storage options for sticky notes, pens, and books. The upper doors have a metal retaining rod on the lower shelves to keep office supplies from falling out. The left door of this computer storage cabinet features a cork bulletin board, and the right door features two adjustable shelves that feature a retaining lip. Wow! This computer desk cabinet is customizable and includes infinite amounts of storage capabilities. The flip-down molding reveals a slide-out keyboard/mouse shelf for easy storage. The lower barrister door of this wood computer cabinet flips up and slides back into the cabinet. A lower file drawer with full extension slides holds letter or legal-size hanging files to keep documents close at hand. If that’s not enough, a cord management system allows for reduced cord clutter. Finished in Grand Walnut® with Black accents, this computer desk with storage cabinet is just what your home office is missing.

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Excellent communication throughout the order process. Product is perfect.

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